Save the Date for the annual Arkansas Nursing Research Conference, April 13, 2018. Visit for more information.
College of Nursing Student Receives 4-H Governor’s Award
Congratulations to College of Nursing junior student, Stephanie Williams. Stephanie received the Arkansas 4-H Governor’s Award, presented by Governor Asa Hutchinson. This is a very prestigious award and is the highest award/honor an Arkansas 4-H member can receive. This is an annual award given to only one person and includes induction into the Arkansas 4-H […]
Junior BSN Students Get White Coats
Oct. 16, 2017 | Before embarking on their final two years toward completing their Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, members of the UAMS College of Nursing’s class of 2019 stopped to mark their passage into the clinical phase of their education by donning their white coats. With eager smiles and coats draped over their […]
You Are Invited to Stephanie Kitch’s Dissertation Defense
You are invited to attend Stephanie Kitch’s final dissertation defense. This event is scheduled for November 7, 2017 at 2:00 pm in RAHN #2280.
Pao-Feng Tsai, Sarah Rhoads Inducted as Fellows in American Academy of Nursing
Oct. 10, 2017 | Pao-Feng Tsai, PhD, RN, professor in the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences’ (UAMS) College of Nursing and Sarah Rhoads, PhD, APRN, director of education in the UAMS Center for Distance Health, were inducted Oct. 7 as Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing. The American Academy of Nursing has more […]
CON Scholarships Provide More Than $300,000 to Students
Oct. 9, 2017 | Scholarships in the UAMS College of Nursing provided more than $300,000 to 92 students and their education needs this year. Seventy-eight scholarships across every program in the College of Nursing provided $309,654 for student education. Thanks to CON friends, alumni and donors, the amount of scholarship money has grown consistently since […]
CON Eclipses 95 Percent NCLEX Pass Rate
Sept. 20, 2017 | The UAMS College of Nursing boasts a 95.63 percent pass rate for first-time takers of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) in 2017. The NCLEX is an adaptive, computerized test taken by BSN graduates required for licensure. The test length can range from 75 to 265 questions. UAMS’ 2017 pass rate […]
Sara Jones, PhD, APRN, Elected to APNA Board of Directors
Sept. 18, 2017 | Sara Jones, PhD, APRN, is the first faculty member from the UAMS College of Nursing to be elected to the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) Board of Directors. Jones, a clinical assistant professor in the College of Nursing, will begin a two-year term in October after being sworn in at the […]
Barone, Dedicated Team Help Patients Stop Smoking
Barone, Dedicated Team Help Patients Stop Smoking Sept. 13, 2017 | It was just a chance encounter on a Friday evening, but that fateful meeting has had quite an impact on tobacco cessation research and work in Arkansas. Seven years ago, Claudia Barone, DNP, EdD, APRN, a professor in the UAMS College of Nursing and a […]
Dean Cowan, Teresa Whited Named AACN Program Fellows
Dean Cowan, Teresa Whited Named AACN Program Fellows Sept. 7, 2017 Patricia Cowan, PhD, RN, dean of the UAMS College of Nursing, and Teresa Whited, DNP, APRN, clinical assistant professor and director of Master of Nursing Science programs in the College of Nursing, were named as fellows to respective programs in the American Association of […]