Nursing Science Graduate Program “Factors Influencing Nurse Practitioners Decision to Precept” Major Advisor: Dr. Corey Nagel Thursday. August 12, 2021 9:00 am Zoom link:
Notice of Final defense for Ashley Davis January 9th
Melodee Harris, Ph.D., RN, APRN, the co-director of the Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence and an assistant professor in the UAMS College of Nursing.
UAMS College of Nursing Baccalaureate Nursing Class of 2021 White Coat Ceremony
Nicole Ward’s final dissertation defense August 9th, at 2:00 pm in RAHN 3202
Dr. Laura Hays, presented at the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Symptom Science Center (SSC) opening June 2019.
Dr. Laura Hays, UAMS, College of Nursing, Clinical Assistant Professor presented at the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Symptom Science Center (SSC) opening June 2019. NINR Symptom Science Center – The mission of the Symptom Science Center (SSC) is to promote the understanding of the biologic and behavioral mechanisms of symptoms to improve patient outcomes. […]
Christine Felts, Doctor of Philosophy Candidate July 23,2019
Two Nursing Graduates Get Unconventional Pinnings
PhD Final Defense – Laura Hays April 15th
We are excited to have a final dissertation defense scheduled for Laura Hays on April 15th at 11:00 a.m., RAHN 2280. We hope you to see you there!
2019 Arkansas Nursing Research Conference
APRIL 12, 2019 7:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Beth A. Collins Sharp, PhD, RN, FAAN Director, Division of Program Innovation, Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Previously, she held several leadership roles at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, including Senior Advisor for Women’s Health and Gender […]