The UAMS College of Nursing’s Student Nurses Association earned a clean sweep in the top categories at this year’s Arkansas Nursing Students’ Association State Convention, winning most outstanding chapter, advisor of the year and student of the year. The annual convention was held Oct. 5-7 in Little Rock. The College of Nursing’s SNA chapter continued […]
CON Event Highlights Dean’s Circle Importance
UAMS College of Nursing Dean Patricia Cowan, PhD, RN, championed the efforts and accomplishments made possible by the Dean’s Circle at a recent event recognizing the group of donors. “These funds are crucial to laying the foundation for major advancements in the College of Nursing and investing in our students, both present and future,” said […]
College of Nursing Dean Patricia Cowan, PhD, RN, Debra Jeffs, PhD, RN Inducted as American Academy of Nursing Fellows
Patricia A. Cowan, PhD, RN, dean of the College of Nursing at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), and faculty member Debra Jeffs, PhD, RN were inducted Oct. 22 as Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing. The American Academy of Nursing has more than 2,300 Fellows, including nursing leaders in policy, practice, […]
CON Grant to Study Benefits of Mobile Health Equipment
Two faculty in the College of Nursing — Leanne Lefler, PhD, APRN, and Bill Buron, PhD, APRN — are serving as principal investigators on a pilot program to study the impact of home-based, mobile health equipment on older adults with chronic heart failure. The research team received $5,000 in funding from the American Association of Colleges […]
BSN Class of 2018 White Coat Ceremony
Oct. 17, 2016 | More than 300 family members and friends, along with UAMS College of Nursing faculty, staff, alumni and supporters, watched Oct. 7 as junior Bachelor of Science in Nursing students received their white coats. The ceremony marked the passage into the clinical phase of the students’ nursing education. The class of 2018 […]
2017 Community-Campus Partnership Conference
Graduate White Coat Ceremony – September 2016
UAMS College of Nursing Receives $100,000 to Provide Primary Care, Mental Health to Older Adults
The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) College of Nursing has received $100,000 to provide primary care services, with an emphasis on mental health, to older Arkansans. Half of the money comes from the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education at the University of Minnesota, where the UAMS College of Nursing was one […]
Dalme-Rickel Distinguished Lectureship Launches with Oncology/Community Health Lecture from Dr. Karen Meneses
Dr. Karen Meneses, Co-leader of the Cancer Control and Population Sciences Program at University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center, was the guest speaker on Aug. 25 at the Frances Dalme-Linda Rickel Distinguished Visiting Lectureship in Oncology/Community Health. The lecture is housed in the UAMS College of Nursing. Dr. Frances Dalme, longtime faculty at […]
Dean Cowan Meets with College Alumni, Friends in Texarkana
Aug. 22, 2016 | Patricia A. Cowan, PhD, RN, dean of the College of Nursing, met with faculty, staff, alumni and friends of UAMS recently at UAMS Southwest in Texarkana. Sondra Bedwell, PhD, RN, an alumna and assistant professor in the College, hosted the event which was held at the Southwest Regional Center. “Our college […]