The May 8 Advisory Board meeting of the College of Nursing was eventful, with the “photo hanging” of two new board members, Fern Cross and Jane McGehee Wilson. The Advisory Board also heard from two students, Jennifer Orahood and Joshuah Lingo, describing their recent experiences at the Southern Nursing Research Society conference in Tampa. Following the meeting, the group attended the Chancellor’s All Board Luncheon across campus.

Fern Cross, center, is applauded after her photo was hung in the Linda C. Hodges Conference Room, site of all College of Nursing Advisory Board meetings. Fern practiced surgical nursing for years and is a supporter of UAMS in several areas. She also serves on the Jones Eye Institute Board. Shown here are (LtoR) Brenda Scisson, College of Nursing Executive Director for Development, Fern Cross, and Sara Jouett, Chair of the College’s Advisory Board. To the far right is Dr. Jean McSweeney (seated), Interim Dean.

History was made at the May 8 Advisory Board meeting as Jane McGehee Wilson (left) became the first ever Life Member of the Advisory Board. Jane (left) is shown here with longtime friend and Advisory Board Chair Sara Jouett. Jane is a Life Member of the UAMS Foundation Fund Board and served on the College of Nursing Advisory Board years ago. She believes nurses are the backbone of health care.

All members of the College of Nursing Advisory Board are loyal supporters of the Dean’s Society. The $1,000 annual dues support the College by allowing the Dean to use the funding where the need is the greatest. A portion of the Dean’s Circle helped fund participation at the Southern Nursing Research Society conference in Tampa earlier this year for two students. The students are (far right) Jennifer Orahood and next to her, Joshuah Lingo. Both are graduating seniors and both already have full-time jobs lined up. They attended the Advisory Board to thank board members for their participation in the Dean’s Circle. Shown with students are (left to right) Dr. Jean McSweeney, Interim Dean; and board members Sara Jouett, Jananne Reding, Jane McGehee Wilson, and Fern Cross.