The UAMS College of Nursing has a close relationship with the Little Rock Departmental Club, a women’s civic club that helped establish the UAMS College of Nursing over 60 years ago. Several College of Nursing faculty, leadership and former faculty are active members of the club. The Little Rock Departmental Club has an endowed scholarship at our College and they underwrite the cost of nursing pins that are presented to graduating BSN students at graduation. Amanda Hoelzeman (left), editor of Soiree magazine, was the featured speaker at the Club on September 23. She provided the history of Soiree, its mission and spoke about the good work that non-profits do in Arkansas. Shown with Amanda are LR Departmental Club President Ethel Curry (center) and Dr. Frances Dalme (right), a Departmental Club member and a beloved former faculty member of the UAMS College of Nursing.