Sept. 18, 2017 | Sara Jones, PhD, APRN, is the first faculty member from the UAMS College of Nursing to be elected to the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) Board of Directors. Jones, a clinical assistant professor in the College of Nursing, will begin a two-year term in October after being sworn in at the APNA’s 31st annual conference in Phoenix, Arizona. “I love being a voice for psychiatric nursing and this is the premier organization for this specialty,” said Jones. “I’m excited to represent UAMS and do all I can to advance the psychiatric nursing mission.”
Jones is one of nine members of the board. “Dr. Jones has done tremendous work in the College of Nursing and we’re thrilled to have her be recognized in this leadership position,” said Patricia Cowan, PhD, RN, dean of the College of Nursing. Last year, Jones received a $3,000 grant from the International Society of Psychiatric Nurses Foundation to explore the mental health needs of first responders in Arkansas as well as how mental health services are perceived and accessed by first responders. She received an additional $5,000 in funding from Sigma Theta Tau International. The APNA is a national professional membership organization committed to psychiatric-mental health nursing.