The Nicholas P. Lang, MD and Helen F. Lang, RN Professorship was established by the Lang’s to provide assistance to the College of Nursing. The professorship became fully endowed in 2014 and on April 29, 2015, Dr. Claudia P. Barone became the inaugural recipient of the professorship. The professorship supports the interprofessional work led by Dr. Barone to reduce tobacco use among cancer patients and in educating healthcare providers statewide on how to work with tobacco users to effectively reduce their tobacco use. An aggressive campaign is underway now at the College of Nursing to elevate this endowed professorship to an endowed chair so even more good work can be done. To give, you can go to
giving.uams.edu/lang-professorship or contact Brenda Scisson, UAMS College of Nursing Executive Director for Development, 501.526.8950, bscisson@uams.edu .