The UAMS Hope Chapter, Student Nurses Association, hosted the Hope Chamber of Commerce Community Coffee on February 18 on campus at the University of Arkansas Community College at Hope (UACCH). The event, which drew a record crowd, provided networking opportunities and chances for Hope business leaders to tour the UAMS College of Nursing Hope facilities. UACCH and UAMS provide a unique opportunity for students to attend prerequisite courses and BSN courses all on the same campus.

UAMS College of Nursing at Hope faculty members Marilyn Hughes and Susanne Tullos, were joined by administrative specialist Jimmie Cornelous and Hope campus SNA members (seniors and juniors). Not all SNA members were able to attend, but there was an outstanding representation, which included (names as they appear on their college badges): H. Williams, S. Bagley, K. Franklin, A. Huskey, B. Eudy, H. Rogers, J. Stuart, T. Jackson, T. Loe, S. Bean, T. McInnis, B. Addison, and G. Adams. Kristina Franklin serves as SNA President.