Aug. 29, 2017 | The UAMS College of Nursing is one of 50 nursing schools and the only one in Arkansas to receive a $1,000 national grant for its white coat ceremony from the Arnold P. Gold Foundation and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN).
This year’s ceremony, in which white coats are given to junior students entering clinical care, will be Oct. 6.
“The White Coat Ceremony helps instill a commitment to provide compassionate care to patients in our students,” said Patricia Cowan, PhD, RN, dean of the College of Nursing. “We are grateful to the Arnold P. Gold Foundation and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing for helping us provide this experience for our students.”
The grant was established in 2013 and has enabled 260 nursing schools in 48 states to hold white coat ceremonies.
The UAMS College of Nursing’s white coat ceremony includes the recitation of the Nightingale Pledge, which calls on students to be devoted to patients and the community as well as promote health and welfare for all, and donning their white coats in front of family, friends and classmates.