Dec. 29, 2016 | Christina Pettey, PhD, APRN, assistant professor in the UAMS College of Nursing, hopes the ideas and tips gleaned by young nursing researchers from presentations and lectures at the American Heart Association’s annual meeting will help make an immediate impact.
As chair of the AHA’s early career committee, a part of the Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing Council, Pettey helps select a half day’s worth of programming at AHA’s Scientific Sessions. The annual conference attracts thousands of attendees from around the globe, who participate in lectures and discussions on basic, translational, clinical and population science.
The committee selected programming that could help young researchers and investigators gain funding and publish their findings.
“We want to give them real, useful ideas that can be put into immediate action,” said Pettey.
The day’s events began with presentations on how to obtain funding from three major organizations, including the National Institute of Nursing Research, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute and AHA. UAMS’ Jean McSweeney, PhD, RN, professor and associate dean for research, presented the update on AHA funding.
Two international investigators provided insights for successful collaborations and multi-site studies.
Pettey took part in a later program where she and another researcher presented a proposal to a panel of senior investigators who offered feedback.
“It was helpful to us, as researchers, to present our ideas and receive feedback, but it’s also helpful to the audience to see how people receive feedback and how to develop a proposal,” said Pettey.
Pettey became chair of the committee in July. She will serve in the role for two years. She previously served as vice chair.
“It’s been a wonderful opportunity to meet and work with tremendous people from across the country,” she said.