Claudia Beverly, PhD, RN, director of the Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence at UAMS and professor in the College of Nursing, was recently recognized by the American Academy of Nursing for her work in geriatric care. Beverly was named an Edge Runner, part of

Academy’s Raise the Voice website campaign that aims to celebrate programs, projects and other undertakings by nurses that have improved care for patients, families and communities. Edge Runners are practical innovators who have led the way in bringing new thinking and new methods to a wide range of health care challenges, the website says.
Beverly, who is also a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, has been recognized as an Edge Runner for her work as director of the Arkansas Aging Initiative, a program of the UAMS Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging. The Arkansas Aging Initiative is made up of eight Centers on Aging across the state that provide access to specialized educational and clinical care to older adults. Arkansas is the only state in the country with a state-wide infrastructure of regional centers aiming to improve the health of older adults and their families. Now, 90 percent of Arkansans age 65 and older are within 60 miles of geriatric health care. Beverly is one of 12 Edge Runners in aging for the Academy. Other Edge Runners categories include chronic disease, primary care, global health, telehealth and nurse leadership.