Claudia Beverly, PhD, RN, professor in the College of Nursing and director of the Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, recently took part in an advisory panel in Africa, convened by Sigma Theta Tau International.
The Global Advisory Panel on the Future of Nursing & Midwifery brought leaders from Africa in nursing and midwifery together to discuss leading health issues in Africa and to determine ways to improve. Beverly served as an observer to the panel, which met July 18 and 19 in Cape Town, South Africa.
“I was quite in awe, listening to the people who live in Africa talk about their health problems,” said Beverly. “Nurses provide 80 percent of care throughout the continent.”
The Africa panel was one of seven regional panels held by Sigma Theta Tau International, including Europe, the Middle East, North America, Latin and Central America, the Caribbean and Asia and the Pacific Rim.
Sigma Theta Tau International will analyze the data from all seven regional panels and form an action plan on how nurses can impact change.