Dr. Frances Dalme, who served as a professor at the UAMS College of Nursing for many years and was instrumental in starting the Master’s program in nursing, is now the author of a hard back book. Dr. Dalme’s book, The Caring Place: Making the Most of the Long Goodbye is a book about services for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients and respite for caregivers provided by The Caring Place of Hot Springs. The book is a tribute to the volunteers who sustained the project.

On Sunday, May 22, the Caring Place held a book signing reception in Hot Springs to honor Dr. Dalme. She is shown here signing a book for Dean Patty Cowan, PhD, RN. The book sells for $20 with proceeds going to the Caring Place Volunteer Scholarship Program serving those in need. For information on the book go to www.thecaringplacehotsprings.com or call 501.623.2881.