June 16, 2017 | Nicholas P. Lang, MD, and Helen F. Lang, RN, recently received the College of Nursing Dean’s Award. The award, given annually, is reserved for those who have contributed to the growth and success of the college. “I’ve been humbled by the generosity and support provided to the College of Nursing by […]
College of Nursing Honors 2017 Class at Pinning, Hooding Ceremony
June 13, 2017 | The College of Nursing celebrated its 264 graduates from the class of 2017 on May 19 at its pinning and hooding ceremony at the First Pentecostal Church in North Little Rock. In front of an audience of family and friends, graduates from the college’s five programs marked the end of their […]
SNA at the UAMS CON raised $6000.00 to Grant a Wish
The Student Nursing Association at the UAMS College of Nursing raised $6000.00 to grant a wish for a child with a life-threatening condition. They presented the check to the staff at the Make-A-Wish Mid-South the last week of April 2017.
CON Welcomes Hundreds to Nursing Research Conference
June 1, 2017 | There are few times nurses from various backgrounds and specialties are able to come together and learn from one another. More than 300 nurses and nursing students from Arkansas and surrounding states had that opportunity April 21 at UAMS at the Arkansas Nursing Research Conference. The conference is a collaboration between […]
Jean McSweeney, PhD, Featured in Heber Springs Paper for Presentation
May 03, 2017 | Jean C. McSweeney, PhD, a professor and associate dean for research in the College of Nursing, was featured in the Heber Springs’ The Sun Times last month for her presentation on women’s cardiovascular health and her research on the topic to theHeber Springs Arts and Letters Club. She is internationally known […]
Heart disease is number one killer of women
Courtesy of El Dorado News-Times By Janice McIntyre, City Editor, El Dorado News Times EL DORADO — Numbers of cardiovascular disease cases were projected to reach 41.5 percent among Americans in 2030. “We already reached that mark in 2015,” said Dr. Jean McSweeney, associate dean of research at the University of Arkansas for Medical Science […]
UAMS Nurses Number Half of Inaugural Great 100 Nurses of Arkansas List
April 20, 2017 | The Great 100 Nurses Foundation has released its list of the top nurses in Arkansas and half of the caregivers honored are University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) nurses. The UAMS nurses recognized encompass numerous backgrounds and specialties in research, administration and practice. To see the UAMS nurses honored, visit […]
Congrats to Dr. Leanne Lefler for being named to the Great 100 Nurses of Arkansas!
Dr. Leanne Lefler, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC Associate Professor, is pictured with Virginia Trotter Betts, MSN, JS, RN, FAAN, featured speaker for the event.
Congrats to all UAMS nurses named as Great 100 Nurses of Arkansas!
You’re Invited to Kerry Jordan’s Dissertation Defense
You are invited to attend Kerry Jordan’s final dissertation defense. Please mark your calendars for April 24th at 10:00 a.m. in COPH 3202.